Monday, September 26, 2005

shatter sketch

click here for quicktime

not much video recently, busy making music. so here's a little sketch sourced from a recording session. and yes, the url in the video is wrong, but who really cares?
(violin = sarah anderson)

(visit museum for flash version)



fastmovinganimals said...

excellent, i really enjoy your 'sketchy' music videos

schlomo rabinowitz said...

One every once in a while, is better than none at all!

rart said...

I love it - imagine a full symphonic concertvideo.

Unknown said...

every work you made it's such an inspiration for me
great as always

Anonymous said...

Wonderful digital interpretation of a classical instrument. I've been wanting to do something with a violin or a cello too, this was very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

duncan its all so beautiful. have finally been digging through your archives and have a million questions. if you dont mind i'll mail you with some of them.. you do such beautiful things...

taxiplasm said...

you NEVER fail to impress me. never stop posting - breaks are cool, I've had plenty - but never stop.


Anonymous said...

your editing is awsome.. what are u using,. this is awsome.. i wanna do it too duncan ! lol. sketchy stuff like that is my kinda thing!!
